Judging that you've seen either one of my works or many of them, can you please leave a comment on this news post telling me how my work is? I don't feel very secure in my ability to draw or if I just straight up make dogshit so, please tell me what you liked and disliked about my works, better yet if you want to, could you please give me some ideas on what could enhance my skills further? thanks reader!
Looked over your gallery and here's my two cents. I'm still a learning artist so I cant judge too harsh.
Likes: Got the body proportions in line good. Different poses also good. Addition of backgrounds
great. Colouring good. Assaultrons.
Dislikes: Although there are a variety of different anthros, (shark, kangaroo,wolf) they have a
same-y look to them. Mainly in the large ears and snout.
Enhancements: Study into more different types of body forms ( I know I need to).
An thats it. Keep on truckin!
Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I'll look into diversifying my character designs for any future works i do from now on!